Monday, January 19, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my jersey because it is so much fun to have and I'm not the only one in the house that doesn't have a jersey and it is very comfy and I LOVE IT!
Rosebud - the Target photo lab because I get to print my pictures and then I can put them in my scrapbook and look at them.
Stinkbug - pillows because they are comfy.
Sugarcake - my feet because they help me walk and they are the best feet I've ever had.
ThereO - getting some schooling done because it made me feel like I had accomplished what I needed to accomplish.
HBD - Dr. Pepper and Vitamin Water, my two favorite beverages, because they are tasty and refreshing.
OFE - my laptop because it's fun to play on and gives me something to do.

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