Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my room because it is a place of my own and it is where I can have quiet time to think.
Rosebud - my bible because it helps me learn more about God and it helps me grow closer to God.
Stinkbug - video games because they sometimes help you and they are really fun to play and sometimes you get awesome games and they are fun.
Sugarcake - reading because it learns you how to read and you learn stuff to be nice.
ThereO - my laptop working again because I was able to balance the check book and do bills without a bunch of hassle.
HBD - our incredible universe for it gives us a glimpse of the majesty of God.
OFE - being able to get my valve changed because it went smoothly and they had one so it wasn't a big problem.

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