Saturday, February 28, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - being able to stay home all day because it gave us a chance to relax from an eventful week.
Rosebud - Sister Schubert rolls because they are soooo good.
Stinkbug - building my bionicle because it is awesome and you can experience the stuff of building.
Sugarcake - being a superhero because I get to have fun and I get to play with Stinkbug.
ThereO - being able to take a nap because I wasn't feeling good earlier and the nap seemed to help me feel a little better.
HBD - a somewhat relaxing day at home with my family and a good book.
OFE - getting fertilizer on the roses.
Giving thanks today (2-27-09) for...

Princess - for my mom taking us to Sam Moon and to see the Stars practice because that was very, very nice of her to take us there and we had billions of fun.
Rosebud - my mom helping me find a bag that I really like because I really like it and now I don't have to carry a Target bag.
Stinkbug - going see the Stars because I got to get Neal's autograph and I got to watch them practice and that makes them better.
Sugarcake - Grossman throwing me a puck because he's the sweetest and the cutest and he's my favorite.
ThereO - seeing the Stars practice because watching them is how I learned to "live in the moment" so seeing them practice reminds me of how far I've come with that.
HBD - the wonderful supper my wife fixed for us because it was so tasty.
OFE - OFR getting medicine to help her get better.
Giving thanks today (2-26-09) for...

Princess - staying home with Stinkbug because we were able to spend time together.
Rosebud - going to the Stars game because it was very fun and I had a very good time.
Stinkbug - y'all having fun at the Stars game because y'all had some fun family time at the game.
Sugarcake - mommy taking me to the game because the tickets were free and because we all had a fun time and mommy and daddy had a fun time.
ThereO - being able to go to the Stars game with free tickets because going to games is one of my very favorite things to do and going for free makes it even better.
HBD - Princess and Stinkbug doing a good job while we were gone.
OFE - it not taking a long time at the dealership for getting the car fixed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - the gardening club because it was nice to meet new people and we get to learn about gardening.
Rosebud - being able to go to the Stars game because I like being able to do things with my family.
Stinkbug - beds because you get to sleep and they are fun to play with your animals in.
Sugarcake - my mommy loving me because that is so nice of her and she is the nicest.
ThereO - the gardening group because it was so nice for the kids to meet other homeschoolers, be able learn about gardening organically and the produce goes to food banks.
HBD - good books that bring such odd pleasure.
OFE - not doing too much but we did go to church and got our ashes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my shoulder healing quickly because I'm able to clean for my mom.
Rosebud - HGTV showdown because they are very cool and it is fun to watch.
Stinkbug - my daddy helping me to do all the stuff that I want to do because he is really good at those things and he does it way better than me.
Sugarcake - Emma's mom buying me a candy bar because it's yummy and she bought it for me for $1 which is cheap.
ThereO - my husband coming home early to work on the garage door  because when things stop working, I get stressed.
HBD - my wife cooking us a nice meal so we could eat at home.
OFE - being in a good mood.
Giving thanks today (2-23-09) for...

Princess - my mom and dad taking me to the Stars game because even though we had some difficulties it was nice of my mom to get us tickets because we have a lot of fun when we are there.
Rosebud - my mom and dad taking me to the Stars game because it was so much fun and I had a very good time.
Stinkbug - being on tv because it was really cool and they showed me for a long time and everybody saw me except for my family.
Sugarcake - Morrow because he was a great player and I'm sorry for Rosebud that his knee got hurt.
ThereO - Daley throwing Sugarcake a puck because I'm glad to see that he has turned into a really nice guy and that was very special of him to do that.
HBD - us going to the game.
OFE - being able to spray the roses today.
Giving thanks today (2-22-09) for...

Princess - my mom and dad driving me around everywhere because that was very nice of them to use their time to take me where I needed to go.
Rosebud - Aunt B. and Uncle C. making us dinner because it was nice of them to cook us supper and it was nice of them to invite us over.
Stinkbug - Aunt B. and Uncle C. because I love it when they do stuff for us and they had a party for me and all the other February birthdays.
Sugarcake - Julie because she is very nice and she always likes to do stuff with me and I don't know if she let me win on pool.
ThereO - the family giving Stinkbug some presents for his birthday because that was very nice of them to do.
HBD - B. and C. inviting us to dinner because it was nice of them to include Stinkbug in the party.
OFE - not having to pay $9 per pound for crawfish.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - making my blanket because it was fun and when I get older I can make blankets for others.
Rosebud - the supper mom made because it was so good and you usually don't ever make a meal like that.
Stinkbug - having a dad because he takes care of you and he's really special and he does a lot of stuff for you and he loves you.
Sugarcake - school because it is fun and you get to learn stuff.
ThereO - the ability, time, and money to make a meal that all of my family really enjoys.
HBD - that wonderful supper that you fixed for us because it was just wonderful.
OFE - the rose club coming over and pruning our rose bushes.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - Dad picking me up from dance because it gave us a chance to spend some time together.
Rosebud - getting my room cleaned because it feels very good to have a clean room and I like it when I am able to get my room clean.
Stinkbug - the library because it gives you books to read and you get smarter and books are really fun to read.
Sugarcake - the Stars because they are happy and the most wonderful team.
ThereO - watching Stinkbug and Rosebud work together on a project without having a problem.
HBD - a somewhat quiet evening of reading and relaxing.
OFE - feeling better today than I did yesterday.
Giving thanks today (2-19-09) for...

Princess - my mom and dad taking me to the Stars game because it was one of the best nights ever, we had really great seats and it was a lot, a lot of fun.
Rosebud - going to the Stars game because it was very fun and I had a very good time.
Stinkbug - the Stars game because it was really fun, I got to have ice cream, they won 4-2, Sugarcake was on TV, and it was one of the best games.
Sugarcake - being on TV because it was so fun and people got to see me.
ThereO - Sugarcake saying that she was sweet because I am the best mom ever because that is something I think every mom wants to hear.
HBD - all of us going to the game because it was a great family outing and a fun time for our family.
OFE - my pain not getting any worse than it was.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - the dentist because they help me keep my teeth healthy and they help me have a very nice smile which I love.
Rosebud - hockey because it is fun to watch.
Stinkbug - Fred because he is really funny and he makes everybody laugh and I'm glad he started making videos.
Sugarcake - calendars because they tell you what day it is and all the time it tells you to get together with your friends.
ThereO - my crockpot because it makes fixing a nutritious meal very easy.
HBD - hot showers because they make me clean and they relax me.
OFE - finding a part for my lawn mower and that I didn't have to have any help to find it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - mom and dad fixing supper at home because we don't spend as much money going out, we get to spend more family time because we don't get home so late, and it was very nice to have a healthy meal.
Rosebud - my finger closing because I didn't have to get stitches and it is not hurting as much as it did yesterday.
Stinkbug - my toothbrush because it makes your teeth clean.
Sugarcake - Valentine's Day because all get a time to share and care about each other and we all get a time to love each other.
ThereO - getting the grocery shopping done because it makes me feel good to have good food in the house for our family.
HBD - a wonderful homemade supper because it was nice to eat a healthy meal at home.
OFE - getting the weedeater working because it wasn't hard but it took some time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - being able to babysit because I am able to earn money that can be helpful for dance camp and things like that.
Rosebud - Mom helping me with my finger because if she didn't then it wouldn't have healed very good and I would have had to get stitches.
Stinkbug - my bed because I can sleep in it and it keeps me warm.
Sugarcake - my hair because I like it and it is pretty.
ThereO - Stinkbug's creativity because it is really amazing to see some of the things he creates.
HBD - a nice quiet evening of pizza and hockey because it was nice for us all to be back together again eating pizza and watching hockey.
OFE - Rosebud feeling better and not having fever today because I was worried about her.
Giving thanks today (2-15-09) for...

Princess - my mom taking me to the Revolve Tour because it was the best concert I've ever been to, the testimonies were incredible, and I loved spending time with my mom.
Rosebud - all of us having a safe trip home.
Stinkbug - going to Chicago because Chicago is an awesome place and I didn't want to leave and Chicago has really awesome food and I like Chicago style pizza.
Sugarcake - the refrigerator because it has food in there and you can eat stuff out of it.
ThereO - everyone making it home safely and having a wonderful time while they were gone.
HBD - getting home safely from our trip and for everyone else getting home safely from their trip.
OFE - everyone getting home safely.
Due to some illnesses and a trip out of town we missed a week of the thankful project.  That week will be tacked on to the end of the project in December.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my mom and dad being able to go to the Stars game because I know it was nice for them to get out and the Stars won and it was nice to see them having a good time without a bunch of kids.
Rosebud - being able to chew again because I was worried about not being able to eat.
Stinkbug - the Stars win because it was an awesome game.
Sugarcake - for my mom talking to me on the phone to help me feel better because I was throwing up and she made me feel better.
ThereO - my oldest doing such a good job of babysitting her sisters because I know how stressful it is when someone throws up and she was very mature in calling to find out what to do.
HBD - getting to go to the Stars game because it was an awesome game.
OFE - it being Sunday because it's my day off.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - Children's Motrin because it made Sugarcake feel better.
Rosebud - Christian music because it's music about Jesus and I love to listen to it.
Stinkbug - water because it helps you grow and it's really good for you.
Sugarcake - pillows because they make your head feel really comfortable and they are warm.
ThereO - getting the homeschool materials organized because I feel like now I can not only get to stuff but I know where to look to get to it.
HBD - all the stuff we got done out in the garage because we are one step closer to getting more stuff done.
OFE - being able to go to church because it something I really enjoy.
Giving thanks today (2-6-09) for...

Princess - Chamberlain because I am able to do the thing that I love and learn more about dance.
Rosebud - the Stars winning 10-2 because it is so cool that they won by that much.
Stinkbug - the thankful project because it is awesome, it helps you remember your times that you like, and if you forget then you can just check.
Sugarcake - sweatshirts because they keep me warm and comfortable.
ThereO - for the huge Stars win because watching them win just makes me happy.
HBD - the Stars big 10 goal win because it was awesome.
OFE - pruning some miniatures because it feels good to get some things done.
Giving thanks today (2-5-09) for...

Princess - babysitting Ainslee because I make good money and she makes my day.
Rosebud - Princess letting me come over while she was babysitting because it was fun to go see her and she's so sweet.
Stinkbug - Burt's Bees because if you have a huge rash it will go away in two days like Sugarcake and it is really good for your lips like for me.
Sugarcake - movies because they are really good and they are really fun to watch.
ThereO - for Rosebud getting her braces because I know that even though it is really painful for her now that when she is older she will be very thankful she did it now.
HBD - that the weekend is almost here because I had a long week and I needed a nice weekend.
OFE - the beautiful sunshine today because it sure was pretty.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my mom taking me to Joann's because that was really really nice of her and I got to get materials for the first dress I'm going to make and I've already started it and now I want to make a million of them and I thank her for that.
Rosebud - my pictures not being messed up because it's the 3rd time we've had to go down there.
Stinkbug - God because he made all the wonderful things in the world and if he didn't make all these things then I wouldn't have Buddy and my laptop and then we wouldn't have anything, just our lives and that's why he is so special to us.
Sugarcake - my rash going away because it feels really good not having a rash and your arm doesn't even hurt.
ThereO - my daughter finding such joy in sewing because it is something I dearly love and it makes me happy that we can share that joy.
HBD - getting a lot accomplished in the garage this weekend because it gets us one step closer to getting where we need to be to get things done.
OFE - going out to eat tonight at Steamboat Bill's because it was really good.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - this pool table because I am able to spend time with my brother.
Rosebud - going to Babe's tonight because it is so good and it is one of my favorite restaurants.
Stinkbug - E and A for giving me the pool table because I can spend lots of time with my sisters and I'm so glad I was in their wedding so I could get this.
Sugarcake - playing with Stinkbug because he is the best brother and he is the nicest.
ThereO - Paperbackswap because it is a lot of fun to send out books I no longer want and get books that we all want.
HBD - a nice dinner out with my family because I enjoy being with my family more than anything in the world.
OFE - went to the doctor today and got a good report that he doesn't need to see me for another 3 months.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - cleaning because I'm able to show appreciation to my mom for bringing me into the world and for giving me all the things she has.
Rosebud - being able to put my earrings in myself tonight because mom always has to do it and it doesn't hurt when I do it.
Stinkbug - my pool table because it is really fun and I know it is a little small but it is awesome and my dad is helping me put it together and without him, I wouldn't be able to do things like this.
Sugarcake - Stinkbug's pool table because it's fun to play and you can have a really fun time playing it.
ThereO - my medicine because I would really be a basket case without it.
HBD - getting a lot of stuff done in the garage this weekend because it created more working space and gives us access to things we need to get to.
OFE - getting all the clippers sharpened because it is quite a chore with all the bushes we have.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - Stinkbug not having to go through surgery and able to come home because it is such a relief.
Rosebud - Aunt B and Uncle C letting us stay at their house because my parents were able to take Stinkbug to the doctor and they were very nice for doing that.
Stinkbug - my parents because they take good care of me and they love me and I'd still be really sick if they hadn't taken me to a doctor.
Sugarcake - Anna because she is so nice and she loves me.
ThereO - Stinkbug not having to spend the night in the hospital.
HBD - Children's Medical Center and the great doctors that took care of Stinkbug.
OFE - ThereO not having to call because Stinkbug was okay.
Giving thanks today (1-31-09) for...

Princess - the hospital because they were able to take care of my brother.
Rosebud - that Stinkbug didn't have to go through surgery because it's good that he didn't have to go through that.
Stinkbug - getting my Neal jersey because it is awesome, I'm so glad y'all got it for me, and I love it so much.
Sugarcake - football because it brings you happy and it is fun.
ThereO - Stinkbug being okay after we spent the evening in the ER for what we thought was appendicitis.
HBD - that nothing was seriously wrong with Stinkbug and he was okay.
OFE - being able to go to Lafayette because I'm glad I was feeling good enough to go and I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time.