Saturday, February 7, 2009

Giving thanks today (2-5-09) for...

Princess - babysitting Ainslee because I make good money and she makes my day.
Rosebud - Princess letting me come over while she was babysitting because it was fun to go see her and she's so sweet.
Stinkbug - Burt's Bees because if you have a huge rash it will go away in two days like Sugarcake and it is really good for your lips like for me.
Sugarcake - movies because they are really good and they are really fun to watch.
ThereO - for Rosebud getting her braces because I know that even though it is really painful for her now that when she is older she will be very thankful she did it now.
HBD - that the weekend is almost here because I had a long week and I needed a nice weekend.
OFE - the beautiful sunshine today because it sure was pretty.

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