Sunday, February 1, 2009

Giving thanks today (1-31-09) for...

Princess - the hospital because they were able to take care of my brother.
Rosebud - that Stinkbug didn't have to go through surgery because it's good that he didn't have to go through that.
Stinkbug - getting my Neal jersey because it is awesome, I'm so glad y'all got it for me, and I love it so much.
Sugarcake - football because it brings you happy and it is fun.
ThereO - Stinkbug being okay after we spent the evening in the ER for what we thought was appendicitis.
HBD - that nothing was seriously wrong with Stinkbug and he was okay.
OFE - being able to go to Lafayette because I'm glad I was feeling good enough to go and I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time.

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