Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Giving thanks today for...

Princess - my mom homeschooling me because it is going to be one of the greatest things she has ever done for me.
Rosebud - vitamin water because it is so good and it is a lot better than soda.
Stinkbug - Neal joining the hockey team because he's made lots of goals and helped the team a lot to win and I like him a lot and that's good that he's played really good this season.
Sugarcake - mommy having a sleepover with me last weekend because we had very fun and we got to watch a movie and I got to stay with my mommy.
ThereO - the rain because it was a welcome relief and our yard desperately needed it and it was so nice just to stay in today and watch the rain.
HBD - coming home early so I could just chill with my family.
OFE - Rene helping me pick up some leaves to go on the roses and then today Butch brought us some more leaves so now we have plenty of leaves.

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